New mode PSK-31

| PSK-31 | | Программы | | Архив | | Ссылки | | Примеры | | Новости | | Рассылки | | Контесты | | Частоты | | ICOM-756 | | UA1ACO | | Разное |

Сводная таблица проведения ежегодных соревнований по PSK-31

В последнем столбце (Информация) есть ссылки на сайт с подробной информацией об этом контесте (на английском)

Контест Спонсоры Дата проведения Информация
PSKFEST PODXS 070 Club Январь Ссылка
Russian WW PSK Contest MsstvS Февраль Ссылка
PSK31 Rumble TARA Апрель/Октябрь Ссылка
EU PSK DX Scottish-Russian ARS Май Ссылка
Three Day Weekend (TDW) Contest PODXS 070 Club Июнь Ссылка
End of Summer PSK-31 Sprint QRP-ARCI Сентябрь Ссылка
Anatolian ATA PSK31 Contest ANARAD Ноябрь Ссылка
YO International PSK31 Contest YO5KAD Ноябрь Ссылка
PSK31 DeathMatch MDXA Декабрь Ссылка

EU PSK DX Contest 2004

Sponsored by the Scottish-Russian ARS
Dear OMs,
we would like to invite you to take part in the first EU PSK DX Contest. We would be very appreciated for any assistance, such as spreading this information [friends, clubs, magazines, newsletters, reflectors, meetings, e-mails etc.], software supporting, participation etc.
All the very best and 73!
Scottish HAM Portal =

EU PSK DX Contest 2004

1. OBJECTIVE: The Scottish-Russian ARS has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the European Digital DX Contest which is held on the third full weekend of May every year. The objective of the contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in Europe using the BPSK31 mode. Everybody can work everybody for QSO and multiplier credit.

2. DATE AND TIME: 12:00 UTC 22.05.2004 - 12:00 UTC 23.05.2004

3. MODE: BPSK31.

4. BANDS: 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 m. Recommended frequencies are in accordance with the IARU bandplan.


a. Category A (SOAB-HP). Single Operator - High Power - All Bands (Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may change bands at any time. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts.)
b. Category B (SOAB-LP). Single Operator - Low Power - All Bands (Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may change bands at any time. The output power shall not exceed 10 watts.)
Note: All antennas used by the entrant must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant. Only the entrant's callsign can be used to aid the entrant's score. Both categories of entrants are allowed to use packet and web clusters.


a. EU stations: Signal report plus EU area code (example for Malta Island - 599 MT-01).
b. Non-EU stations: Signal report plus QSO number, starting 001.


a. EU stations: Contacts between stations in the same DXCC country are worth 1 point. Contacts between stations on the same continent but different DXCC countries are worth 2 points. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth 3 points.
b. Non-EU stations: Contacts between stations in the same DXCC country are worth 1 point. Contacts between stations on the same continent but different DXCC countries are worth 2 points. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth 3 points. Contacts with EU stations are worth 5 points.

8. MULTIPLIER: Two types of multiplier will be used.

a. A multiplier of one for each different DXCC country contacted on each band (except EU).
b. A multiplier of one for each different EU area contacted on each band.
Note: The EU Territories List, DXCC Countries List and WAC boundaries are standards (Exception for few territories in Russia and Kazakhstan as listed below). Maritime mobile stations are not the multipliers, but worth 3 points for any participant.

Boundaries in contrast to WAC:

European Russia
UA9A Chelyabinskaya Oblast [West of River Ural and Ural Range] RU-53
UA9F Permskaya Oblast RU-54
UA9G Komi-Permyatsky AO RU-55
UA9S Orenburgskaya Oblast [West of River Ural] RU-56
UA9W Bashkortostan [West of River Ural and Ural Range] RU-57
UA9X Republic of Komi RU-58

European Kazakhstan
UN7I Aqtobe Oblast [West of River Emba and Mugodzhary Range] KZ-01
UN7M West Kazakhstan [Batys Qazaqstan] Oblast KZ-02
UA7O Atyrau Oblast [Northwest of River Emba] KZ-03

9. SCORING: All stations: the final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of your EU area and DXCC country multipliers.

10. AWARDS: First place certificates will be awarded in each category listed under Section 5 in every participating DXCC country. Special trophies are available from sponsors. All scores will be published. To be eligible for an award, a station must show a minimum of 12 hours of operation. In DXCC countries where the returns justify, second and third place awards will be made. All certificates and plaques will be issued to the licensee of the station used. If you are interested in sponsoring a trophy for the EU PSK DX Contest, contact Scottish-Russian ARS.

11. LOG INSTRUCTIONS: All times must be in UTC. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged. Indicate EU area and DXCC country multipluer only the first time it is worked on each band. Logs must be checked for duplicate contacts, correct QSO points, and multipliers. We want your electronic log. The Contest Committee requires an electronic log for any possible scoring log.

a. E-Mail Required Content: Please submit your log in the Cabrillo or ADIF file format only created by all major logging programs. Be sure to put the station callsign and the mode in the line of each message. Your software may automatically encode your log as an attachment. Submit your log to e-mail below.
b. Disks Required Content: Please send your IBM, MS-DOS compatible computer disk. Label your disk clearly with your callsign, files included, and your category. Name your disk file correctly (for example - MM0DGR.log).
Note: Bad QSO penalty: three additional contacts removed. Low Power stations must indicate their category on their summary sheets and state the actual maximum power output used, with a signed declaration.

12. DISQUALIFICATION: Violation of amateur radio regulations in the country of the contestant, or the rules of the contest; unsportsmanlike conduct; taking credit for excessive unverifiable contacts or unverifiable multipliers will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. Incorrectly logged calls will be counted as unverifiable contacts. The use by an entrant of any non-amateur means such as telephones, telegrams, internet, or the use of packet to solicit contacts during the contest is unsportsmanlike and the entry is subject to disqualification. Actions and decisions of the EU PSK DX Contest Committee are official and final.

13. DEADLINE: All entries must be postmarked no later than 30 days after the contest. Mailed logs should be sent to the Scottish-Russian ARS, P.O. Box 7469, Glasgow, G42 0YD, Scotland, U.K.

14. SPONSORS: The Scottish-Russian ARS is the general sponsor of the EU PSK DX Contest. Any prizes for any categories of the participants are welcome! Any radio amateur or radio club can act by the official sponsor of the EU PSK DX Contest, having offered the prizes in one or more of categories.



W3KM GenLog
Use this software to log in over 230 HF/QRP/PSK/VHF/UHF/Microwave contests or to add US counties to your total. GenLog can also be used as a general logbook to log any frequency from DC to light, including SWL. It is a general type contest logger for the casual contester. No attempt was made to interface to radios/rotors, to use a PC network, or to make use of packet radio. This is not an awards or QSL tracking program. The program was written by Dave Mascaro W3KM. Since the version of 5.51 it supports EU PSK DX Contest. GenLog is freeware, runs in Windows 9x/ME, W2K, NT, XP. Requires at least a 100 MHz machine with 32Mb RAM. A 32-bit version is also available that supports CW/PTT in NT type OS. Supports ADIF, Cabrillo and EDI file formats. GenLog has a partial search function using master datafiles created by the user. The logger does not require contest configuration files, all contests are setup automatically using information in the setup screen. This allows the user to log in multiple contests or activities at the same time. GenLog supports all contests from both ends of the QSO. Click on this link to find out more about the program.
Note: You can use any PSK31 logger. Just use "QTH" field for EU Number or DX Serial Number and send us your ADIF file.

P.O. BOX 7469

eudxpsk at srars dot org

Official EUPSKDXC Website:
Scottish HAM Portal:
PDF Rules:

Copyright Scottish-Russian ARS 2004

070 Club Three Day Weekend (TDW) Contest

Purpose - To work as many 070 Club members as possible in the allotted time using PSK31 mode. All 070 Club members work each other. Contacts with non-members do not count for this event.

Date - 0000Z May 31, 2002 to 2400Z June 2, 2002.

Exchange - Callsign, signal report, your first name and your 070 Club number. Use the member number from your 070 Club certificate. (ex: KA3X de N3DQU 599 Jay 010 kn). Call "CQ 070".

Bands - All HF bands, 160 thru 6 meters, no WARC bands. Work each station once/band. All contacts must be 2-way PSK31. No repeater, cross-mode or cross-band contacts allowed.

Scoring :
QSO points
- Each contact with an 070 Club member counts one (1) QSO point, dupes count zero (0) points. Contacts with non-members do not count for this event.

Multipliers - Each different 070 Club member number worked, the maximum to be announced. (Note: The multiplier maximum is based on the total number of 070 Club members. This number will be announced approximately 3 days before the start of this event. When the multiplier maximum is announced, new member applications received by KA3X will not be processed until after the conclusion of the 070 Club Three Day Weekend to keep the multiplier from changing).

Bonus - Each contact with the following stations count as one hundred (100) bonus points: OK1VSL, AA8QQ, KF4FHS. Bonus stations will be listed in a separate category.

Final score- (Total QSO Points) x (Total Different 070 #'s) + (Total Bonus Points) = Final Score.

Awards - Top scores from AS, EU, AF, NA, SA, OC and top scoring Bonus Station will receive a certificate and a special endorsement for their 070 Club certificate. In addition, all entries received showing 10 or more contacts will receive an endorsement for their participation.

Entries - Send log data showing date, time(z), band, exchange received and claimed score. Be sure to also include your call and 070 Club member number in your entry. Please send your entry as a .txt file via email (best way) to or via post to:

Jay Budzowski
109 S. Northview Ave
New Castle, PA 16102-1633 USA

All entries must be received by July 1, 2002. A listing of logs received and claimed scores will be posted on the 070 Club website as they are received. All entries are subject to verification.

– Please keep your power output set to a reasonable level to avoid QRMing the other guys.

Bonus Stations – You can work each Bonus Station once per band but please do not ask them to QSY to another band for you. Bonus stations will try to work as many bands as their equipment and propagation allows to give everyone a chance for extra points but remember that they are in the contest too. No guarantee that all Bonus Stations will be active on all bands.

Brag files – Calling “CQ 070” means you are in a contest mode, so no need to send those brag files. If you want to operate in ragchew mode, send out a general CQ instead.

Macros – Take advantage of your macro keys. Set up one with your exchange.

Alpha List – A good way to keep track of who you’ve worked. A dupe sheet will be available from the website. For computer logging check out W3KM's Gen Log program.

Fun – That’s the whole idea!

Any questions send an e-mail to

Join us in the 7th. TARA PSK31 Contest

Sponsored by the Troy ARA.
home of the worlds 1st. PSK31 contest.Spring Wakeup 20th April 2002

20th April 2002

00:00z through 24:00z


Name and State/ Prov/ DX send DXCC country prefix.

Running Rules:

Please read the SWL Special Rules
Run only single transmitter/ single operator.
Except the Team Challenge! Please read the Special Rules (dupe sheets available below)
All stations working outside their call area must add the correct portable identifier.
Any Team member can also enter the single/single contest by simply completing and submitting the ScoreForm showing their Callsign, and Operating Category.

Operating Categories:

The Team Challenge ---- Please read the Special Rules
Normal Category ---- 100 watts MAX.
Great Category ------ 20 watts MAX.
Super Category ------ 5 watts MAX.
Novice Category ---- 100 watts MAX. (entry level Ham licence)
SWL Category -------


Use the regular PSK31 freqs. on  80,40,20,15,10 & 6 mtrs.

QSO Points:

Stations can be worked once on each band for points.
Each QSO scores 1 point.


All Countries that you work per band. Include your own country, and don't forget to include W, VE, JA or VK worked, per band in your Country total, as well as any Call areas of W+ VE+ JA+ VK on each band.
W area's include W0 through W9. (not States)
VE area's include VE0 through VE9, VO1,VO2,VY0,VY1 and VY2
JA area's include JA0 through JA9
VK area's include VK0 through VK9


QSO point (calculated as above) x Multipliers (calculated as above.)


Fill out the Score Submission Form here or goto...
For Hams with no internet, please mail logs to my QTH.
Last entry date is 18th May 2002.


1st, 2nd and 3rd in each category.
1st, 2nd and 3rd in Novice entry.
Top SWL score
US States Clean Sweep....(all 50!)

Awards: de

This year, the Troy ARA graciously offers a TARA club Baseball Cap to the 1st place winners in each of the 6 categories. This is a really nice looking cap!

Awards: de
 070 Club

The PODXS boys have done it again. This is now a collectors item. Checkout..... 

For working only 50 PSK Contacts, become a PODXS 070 Member. See link above.
Do NOT send logs. Logs must be on hand and furnished if requested.
Thanks to Steve, W3HF you can now download a really handy Dupe Sheet. It is Microsoft Excel format and is intended to assist the Gaffers in the Team Challenge.
Fill out the OnLine Score Submission Form to have your score officially logged. Scores will be posted periodically on the Rumble Web page here.


Sponsored by the Penn-Ohio DX Society (PODXS)

Click here for contest results

- To work as many stations as possible in the allotted time using PSK31 mode.

ENTRY CATEGORIES - QRP Single Band 5 watts, QRP Multiband 5 watts, Low Power 50 watts, Medium Power 100 watts (all powers maximum output).

DATE - 0000Z January 19, 2002 to 2400 January 19, 2002.

EXCHANGE - callsign, signal report and state/province/country (SPC). Call "CQ PSKFEST".

BANDS - 80 thru 10 meters, no WARC bands. Work each station once/band. All contacts must be 2-way PSK31. No repeater, cross-mode or cross-band contacts allowed.

QSO points - Each contact counts one (1) QSO point, dupes count (0) points.
Multipliers - Each different state/province/country (SPC) worked. Use current ARRL DXCC list for country reference.
Final score = (Total QSO Points) x (Total Different SPC's).

AWARDS -Top scores from each continent receives a certificate, highest 070 Club entry gets Top Dog. All 070 Club member entries received showing 10 or more contacts will receive an Attaboy for their participation in the event. For more information on the 070 Club check out < >.

ENTRIES - Send log data showing date, time(z), band, exchange received and claimed score. For entries with 100 contacts or more include a dupe sheet listing contacts in callsign alphanumeric order. Be sure to also include your callsign, address, e-mail address, entry class and 070 Club member number if applicable. Send your entry as a .txt file via email (best way) to or via post to: Steve Dominguez N6YIH/7, 070 CLUB PSKFEST, 5657 Elkhorn Ave., Boise, ID 83705-2817 USA. All entries must be received by February 19, 2002. A listing of logs received and claimed scores will be posted on the 070 Club website at < > as they are received. Entries with excessive dupes will be listed as check logs. All entries are subject to verification.
    The Penn-Ohio DX Society (PODXS) reserves the right to disqualify entries deemed not in accordance with the above rules or contrary to the spirit of this event.

Join us in the 6th. TARA PSK31 2001 Fall Classic Contest October 6 00:00Z through 24:00z

Sponsored by the Troy ARA.
home of the worlds 1st. PSK31 contest.
Join us in the 6th. TARA PSK31 Contest
The 200
1 Fall Classic

6th October

00:00z through 24:00z


Name and State/ Prov/ DX send DXCC country prefix.

Running Rules:

Please read the SWL Special Rules
Run only single transmitter/ single operator.
Except the Team Challenge! Please read the Special Rules (dupe sheets available below)
All stations working outside their call area must add the correct portable identifier.
Any Team member can also enter the single/single contest by simply completing and submitting the ScoreForm showing their Callsign, and Operating Category.

Operating Categories:

The Team Challenge ---- Please read the Special Rules
Normal Category ---- 100 watts MAX.
Great Category ------ 20 watts MAX.
Super Category ------ 5 watts MAX.
Novice Category ---- 100 watts MAX. (entry level Ham licence)
SWL Category -------


Use the regular PSK31 freqs. on  80,40,20,15,10 & 6 mtrs.

QSO Points:

Stations can be worked once on each band for points.
Each QSO scores 1 point.


All DXCC Countries per band (include your own), plus ...
Call areas of W+ VE+ JA+ VK on each band.
W area's include W0 through W9. (not States)
VE area's include VE0 through VE9, VO1,VO2,VY0,VY1 and VY2
JA area's include JA0 through JA9
VK area's include VK0 through VK9


QSO point (calculated as above) x Multipliers (calculated as above.)


Fill out the Score Submission Form here or goto...
For Hams with no internet, please mail logs to my QTH.
Last entry date is 3rd November 2001.


1st, 2nd and 3rd in each category.
1st, 2nd and 3rd in Novice entry.
Top SWL score
US States Clean Sweep....(all 50!)

Awards: de

This year, the Troy ARA graciously offers a TARA club Baseball Cap to the 1st place winners in each of the 6 categories. This is a really nice looking cap!

Awards: de

Many thanks to the guys at WorldRadio magazine. Each member of the winning TEAM CHALLENGE, and the Top Placed winner in the Novice category, will each receive a One (1) year FREE subscription.

Awards: de
 070 Club

The PODXS boys have done it again. This is now a collectors item. Checkout..... 

For working only 50 PSK Contacts, become a PODXS 070 Member. See link above.
Do NOT send logs. Logs must be on hand and furnished if requested.
Thanks to Steve, W3HF you can now download a Dupe Sheet and a Score Calculation Sheet. Both are in Microsoft Excel format and are intended to assist the Gaffers in the Team Challenge.
NOTE: The Dupe Sheet is an excellent 'paper' duper for the Single Op's to use.
Fill out the OnLine Score Submission Form to have your score officially logged. Scores will be posted periodically on the Rumble Web page here.

YO International PSK31 Contest - 2004
3rd edition

Purpose: to work as many stations as possible on 80m band, and popularizing of digital modes, especially PSK31, between YO and foreign hams.

Organizer & Sponsor: Sport Club of Baia Mare city, Radio section - YO5KAD

Date: third Friday of November every year - 19th November in 2004

Time: 16.00 - 22.00 UTC

Bands: 80m band only (3570…3590 kHz)

Modes: PSK31 only

Categories: A single category with maximum 50W output power

    NOTE: The summary sheet must contain declaration of the power level used in the contest, absence of this will result in disqualifying of the station.

Exchange: RST + serial number beginning with 001 + county abbreviation for YO stations / DXCC entity
     for stations outside YO

QSO points:

    each contact with YO stations counts 2 (two) points

    each contact with stations outside YO counts 1 (one) point

    dupe QSOs counts 0 (zero) points 

Multipliers: each different YO county worked + each different DXCC entity worked
                    A valid contact means that correct QSO data is present in the logs of both stations, within a 5 minute error limit.

Score: total valid QSO points x sum of multipliers

Awards: Stations classified as 1st, 2nd and 3rd place receives a trophy and award. All participants with at least 10 valid QSOs will receive a participation award. For at least 20 valid QSOs with YO stations you can apply for the PSK31YO award which cost is 70.000 lei for YO hams and 3 USD for hams outside YO.

Final scores: will be posted on the website .

Entries: your logs must show your callsign, details of stations worked - callsign, date, time (UTC), exchange sent and received. The summary sheet must contain the operator's name and callsign, the operation QTH during the contest (for portable or mobile stations), mailing address, and claimed score.

The best way to send your logs is via email to . Two files are required: a plain ASCII text file with log data, and another text file - summary with the details above. All entries must be received within 15 days after the contest.

You can send paper logs to the following address, not later than 15 days after the contest (postal stamp date):

Radioclubul YO5KAD
P.O. Box 220
RO-4800 Baia Mare

All entries are subject to verification. The organizers has the right to disqualify entries not in accordance with these rules, or which are contrary to the spirit of the contest.

 List of YO counties:Abbreviation - County
AB - Alba
AR - Arad
AG - Arges
BC - Bacau
BH - Bihor
BN - Bistrita-Nasaud
BT - Botosani
BV - Brasov
BR - Braila
BU - Bucuresti
BZ - Buzau
CS - Caras-Severin
CL - Calarasi
CJ - Cluj
CT - Constanta
CV - Covasna
DB - Dambovita
DJ - Dolj
GL - Galati
GR - Giurgiu
GJ - Gorj
HR - Harghita
HD - Hunedoara
IF - Ilfov
IL - Ialomita
IS - Iasi
MM - Maramures
MH - Mehedinti
MS - Mures
NT - Neamt
OT - Olt
PH - Prahova
SM - Satu Mare
SJ - Salaj
SB - Sibiu
SV - Suceava
TR - Teleorman
TM - Timis
TL - Tulcea
VS - Vaslui
VL - Valcea
VN - Vrancea

Zoli / YO5CRQ

о Российских соревнованиях по радиосвязи на КВ в режиме PSK
«Russian WW PSK Contest»

1.1.Цели и задачи соревнований:
- популяризация цифровых видов радиолюбительской связи в России,
- определение сильнейших спортсменов страны,
- повышение мастерства участников.

1.2.Соревнования проводятся в соответствии с "Правилами соревнований по радиоспорту" и настоящим положением ежегодно в последнюю субботу февраля с 00.00 до 23.59 ч. MSK или с 21.00 - 27.02. до 21.00 час. - 28.02.- UTC (В 2004 году последняя суббота - 28 февраля).

1.3.Организатор соревнований - Объединенный Центральный и г. Москвы радиоклуб им. Э.Т.Кренкеля и Московский SSTV клуб «MsstvS». Судейская коллегия назначается Советом клуба и утверждается начальником ОЦМРК им. Э.Т.Кренкеля.

1.4.В соревнованиях могут участвовать радиолюбители России и других стран.


2.1.Соревнования проводятся на диапазонах 3,5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 МГц только в режиме PSK.

2.2.Общий вызов - "CQ RUSTEST"

2.3. Российские участники передают RST и двухбуквенное условное обозначение области. Иностранные участники передают RST и порядковый номер связи, начиная с 001. Нумерация по диапазонам сквозная.

2.4.Повторные радиосвязи разрешаются только на разных диапазонах и не ранее чем через 20 минут.

2.5. Связь считается уникальной, если она не подтверждена в других трех отчетах.

2.6. Наблюдение засчитывается, если наблюдателем приняты оба позывных и оба контрольных номера работающих корреспондентов. За одной и той же радиостанцией можно провести не более одного наблюдения на каждом диапазоне.

За каждую радиосвязь, не зависимо от диапазонов, начисляется одно очко. Каждая страна по DXCC и каждая область России дает одно очко для множителя на каждом диапазоне. Результат: произведение суммы очков и суммы множителей.

А. Один оператор – все диапазоны.
В. Один оператор – один диапазон на выбор.
С. Коллективные радиостанции
D. Один оператор – все диапазоны только Россия
Е. Наблюдатели

5.1. Награждение в каждой группе проводят при условии поступления в судейскую коллегию не менее 10-ти отчетов, для группы «С» – 5-ти отчетов.
5.2.Занявшие первые три места в группах награждаются Дипломами ОЦМРК им. Э.Кренкеля соответствующих степеней. Занявшие первые места в группах награждаются памятными призами клуба «MsstvS».
5.3. По решению судейской коллегии, самым активным (3 оператора) участникам из “дальнего” зарубежья, а также лидерам групп, в которых по условиям данного положения не подводятся итоги и приславшим отчеты, будут высланы сертификаты Московского SSTV клуба.
5.4.Все решения о награждении принимаются Советом Московского SSTV клуба «MsstvS» на основании материалов судейской коллегии соревнований и в соответствии с настоящим положением.

6.1. Лог-файлы в формате Cabrillo или Adif и обобщающий лист в любом текстовом формате. Отчет и заявку на диплом отправляют судейской коллегии по адресу, который указывается в ежегодном сообщении о проведении соревнований.
Отчет отправляют не позже 10 дней после окончания теста (почтовые пересылки определяют по штемпелю отправителя).
Информация вносится только латинскими буквами. Обобщающий лист должен содержать: название, дату соревнований, зачетную группу, Фамилию Имя Отчество участника, полный почтовый адрес, E-mail, таблицу результатов с разбивкой по диапазонам и количеством набранных очков, сведения об аппаратуре и антеннах. Время связи в отчете указывается UTC.

6.2. Участник вправе заявить результат в одно-диапазонной группе, вне зависимости от работы на других диапазонах. В этом случае отчет о работе на других диапазонах представляется отдельно.

Желательно приложить к отчету Ваше мнение о положении соревнований и впечатлениях о самих соревнованиях.
Принято Советом клуба «MsstvS» «13» августа 2003 г., протокол № 14. Утверждено начальником ОЦМРК им.Э.Кренкеля 10 сентября 2003 г.

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